What is EMTALA?

What is EMTALA? http://statelaws.findlaw.com/florida-law/hospital-liability-the-federal-emergency-medical-treatment-and-l.html When I chronic pain pt ends up in a ER with a “pain crisis” .. if the pt is denied any treatment at all… is the healthcare professional/hospital in violation of the  The Federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act  determining if a valid (EMC) emergency medical condition is can be […]

Nip it in the bud ?

How foes quickly stymied a Texas bill restricting painkillers http://www.statesman.com/news/lifestyles/medical/how-foes-quickly-stymied-a-texas-bill-restricting-/nsZSc/ This is a good example if voters/constituents start voicing against some proposed bill/law before it gains traction.  This is another good example why DEA chose the time frame it did to reschedule Kratom… no incumbent President running for reelection.. it is after Labor Day when […]