The FEDS/FDA caused the Heroin EPIDEMIC ?

‘Safer’ OxyContin Caused 7,500 Heroin Deaths, Researchers Find It all started back in 1914 when Congress passed the Harrison Narcotic Act and created the “black drug market” for opiates… then in 1970 Congress passed the Controlled Substance Act which created the “war on drugs” to stop the “black drug market” that they had created… […]

lawyers weren’t interested in the case because her father’s life didn’t have much value.

‘I wouldn’t let her give medication to a mouse,’ woman says of pharmacist who made fatal error A Nova Scotia woman is haunted knowing her father’s life could have been saved by some simple instructions from a pharmacist. Darrell Gibbons was 58 years old when he died in his sleep at his Amherst home […]

Medical battery is a unique intentional tort because it does not require proof of hostile intent.

Doctor Performs Surgery on Wrong Patient or Wrong Part of Body – Why This is a “Never Event” that Should Never Occur Could the reduction of pain management therapy – against the pt’s wishes – and the resulting increased pain level and decrease in quality of life and the pt’s loss of ability to […]


This showed up on another chronic pain closed FB page Heard from attorneys…. all Dr. Tennant’s patients call them now ! Class Action lawsuit Dr Forest Tennant – home page