Wanna kill yourself?

Wanna kill yourself?   Imagine this. You come home from school one day. You’ve had yet another horrible day. You’re just ready to give up. So you go to your room, close the door, and take out that suicide note you’ve written and rewritten over and over and over You take out those razor blades, […]

“winged junkies ” ?

Druggie parrots plunder poppy fields to feed opium addictions http://www.foxnews.com/world/2017/03/24/druggie-parrots-plunder-poppy-fields-to-feed-opium-addictions.html Junkie parrots are plundering poppy fields to feed their opium addictions. They have learned not to squawk and fly silently into fields to nab the drug-laden pods. Video shows them retreating to high branches to gorge on the plants, grown under state control. Farmers now […]

TV documentary on pain treatment funded by doctor with industry ties

TV documentary on pain treatment funded by doctor with industry ties www.statnews.com/2017/03/24/pain-documentary-public-television/ Public television stations across the country have begun airing a documentary about pain treatment produced by a doctor with significant financial ties to the manufacturers of opioid medications — a fact not disclosed in the program. “The Painful Truth” chronicles the plight of several patients […]

Opioid & Heroin Town Hall in the Skype Live Studio

Opioid & Heroin Town Hall in the Skype Live Studio www.youtube.com/watch?v=99ZT94iu9gU  

DEA Approves Syndros, a Pharma Cannabis Solution, for Schedule II Status

DEA Approves Syndros, a Pharma Cannabis Solution, for Schedule II Status http://www.westword.com/marijuana/dea-approves-syndros-a-cannabis-solution-from-insys-for-schedule-ii-status-8904122 The Drug Enforcement Administration has awarded a Schedule II classification for a cannabis solution. Cannabis itself is classified under Schedule I, the same classification as heroin, and marijuana advocates have long hoped that the DEA would lessen the drug’s classification to a Schedule II. While […]

Lawsuit blames improper marketing of potent opioid for woman’s death

Lawsuit blames improper marketing of potent opioid for woman’s death IMO.. this family will probably win this lawsuit.  This drug allows the pt to administer the Fentanyl via a sublingual route. Which allows the drug to be absorbed at a rate similar to a IV injection.  Fentanyl administered like this has a rapid onset and […]

The disease killing white Americans goes way deeper than opioids

The disease killing white Americans goes way deeper than opioids https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/03/24/the-disease-killing-white-americans-goes-way-deeper-than-opioids/?utm_term=.7cef4bba53e2 In rich countries, death rates are supposed to decline. But in the past decade and a half, middle-aged white Americans have actually been dying faster. Princeton economists Anne Case and Angus Deaton first pointed out this disturbing trend in a 2015 study that highlighted three “diseases of despair”: drugs, […]