Taking audio/video recordings to protect your rights

Over the last couple of weeks, we have seen several videos … concerning how the flying public is being mis-treated on various airlines…  American, United, Delta have made the news… We have seen a person dragged off a plane… experiencing a concussion, broken nose and losing two teeth A female with a baby in her […]

Beware of worthless procedures and epidural steroids for your back pain

Beware of worthless procedures and epidural steroids for your back pain www.kevinmd.com/blog/2017/04/beware-worthless-procedures-epidural-steroids-back-pain.html CLICK ON GRAPHIC TO GO TO AMAZON TO PURCHASE     Is this document enough to start filing grievance with www.cms.gov if pt is on Medicare/Medicaid … or with your insurance company … or if your insurance is from an employer and self […]