why the WAR ON DRUGS is such a HUGE SUCCESS

With most entities … growth is a “yardstick” by which success is measured.. Before the Controlled Substance Act 1970 (CSA) was signed into law we had the Bureau of Narcotics with a TWO MILLION annual budget… When the CSA was implemented and the Bureau of Narcotics was disbanded… and the BNDD ( Bureau of Narcotics […]

The plan “exceeds DEA’s authority under federal law” — BUT WHO CARES ?

DEA Seeks Prosecutors To Fight Opioid Crisis; Critics Fear Return To War On Drugs An advocacy group says a move at the Drug Enforcement Administration to hire prosecutors is another signal of how the Justice Department is changing under Attorney General Jeff Sessions http://www.npr.org/2017/05/04/526784152/dea-seeks-prosecutors-to-fight-opioid-crisis-critics-fear-return-to-war-on-drugs The Drug Enforcement Administration has proposed hiring its own prosecutor corps […]

“IF ONLY”.. people took responsibility for their own actions

Tewksbury resident joined team visit to DEA: Bringing the message of the addiction crisis to DC http://homenewshere.com/tewksbury_town_crier/news/article_77006d70-3677-11e7-a4bc-4796e2e82296.html TEWKSBURY — A group of 20 Massachusetts parents who have lost loved ones to the disease of addiction joined forces with the Wahl­berg brothers’ documentary team to bring a message to Washington DC. The group visited the US […]

two people in the last few months who’ve taken their own lives to end unbearable pain

In defence of Fentanyl: Patient speaks out against new prescribing guidelines http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/dawn-rae-downton-opioid-fentanyl-arthritis-pain-prescription-guidelines-1.4110897 Chronic pain patient Dawn Rae Downton, 60, is considering drastic choices if she’s cut off the highly powerful painkiller Fentanyl — which she has taken for 12 years — thanks to new guidelines for doctors prescribing opioid painkillers. “What I would probably have to do […]