REP. JENKINS TO DEA: RE-EVALUATE OPIOID QUOTA SYSTEM “For years, the DEA approved dramatic increases in the aggregate levels of drug ingredients, all at a time when more and more opioids were being manufactured and prescribed.” WASHINGTON – U.S. Representative Evan Jenkins (R-W.Va.) is asking the Drug Enforcement Agency to re-evaluate its quota system […]

You may be surprised how heroin makes its way into your community

You may be surprised how heroin makes its way into your community Apparently Bob Walling — a drug investigator with the Westshore Enforcement Bureau. – is CLUELESS about fake/false/forged ID’s  floating around out there…since…  In 2013, Walling testified in Columbus in favor of a bill that would require pharmacists to get a name, ID […]

Health|Express Scripts to Offer Cheaper Drugs for Uninsured Customers

Health|Express Scripts to Offer Cheaper Drugs for Uninsured Customers It is one of the most acute indignities of being uninsured in this country: Those with the least ability to pay are asked to spend the most for their prescription drugs. That’s because people without health insurance are forced to pay the list […]

Tracking opioid supply chain “not enough” to fight illicit trade

Tracking opioid supply chain “not enough” to fight illicit trade Diversion of opioid analgesics into the black market is fuelling an addiction epidemic that cannot be solved by the traceability system being developed for the US, says an addiction specialist. A far bigger problem – according to Bryn Wesch of Novus Medical Detox Center […]

TV documentary on pain treatment funded by doctor with industry ties

TV documentary on pain treatment funded by doctor with industry ties Public television stations across the country have begun airing a documentary about pain treatment produced by a doctor with significant financial ties to the manufacturers of opioid medications — a fact not disclosed in the program. “The Painful Truth” chronicles the plight of several patients […]

Institute for Clinical and Economic Review: accepting public comments

Important:. ESPECIALLY FOR PATIENTS WHO MAY HAVE DIFFICULTY ABSORBING OR METABOLIZING ABUSE DETERRENT OPIOIDS (CALL TO ACTION ALERT) Hey folks, the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review is accepting public comments in order to draft guidelines that will be used for formulating, pricing, and prescribing Opioid Analgesics with Abuse Deterrent Technology. They seem to be […]

Preexisting conditions and insurance

There has been a lot of discussion recently about pre-existing conditions focusing on the perceived difference between the existing Obamacare and the perception of what the – yet to be passed by Congress – Trumpcare. Here is a video of Jonathan Gruber – MIT Professor  that was involved in the development  of Obamacare stating that […]

Taking audio/video recordings to protect your rights

Over the last couple of weeks, we have seen several videos … concerning how the flying public is being mis-treated on various airlines…  American, United, Delta have made the news… We have seen a person dragged off a plane… experiencing a concussion, broken nose and losing two teeth A female with a baby in her […]

Beware of worthless procedures and epidural steroids for your back pain

Beware of worthless procedures and epidural steroids for your back pain CLICK ON GRAPHIC TO GO TO AMAZON TO PURCHASE     Is this document enough to start filing grievance with if pt is on Medicare/Medicaid … or with your insurance company … or if your insurance is from an employer and self […]

FL Implementation Bill Dies

    Implementation Bill Dies The House and Senate have adjourned the 2017 session. The medical marijuana bills are among scores of bills that didn’t make it through both the House and Senate. Lawmakers had created massive new regulation driven by special interests. The House and Senate both gave lip service to working in the interests […]