Is AG Session’s days numbered ?

Trump administration wants to rollback controversial civil forfeiture limits U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said this week that the new administration plans on increasing the use of civil asset forfeiture, a controversial technique that allows police to seize cars, cash, and other property from individuals, even if they weren’t charged with a crime. 10Investigates was […]

Kolodny: “..begin to take away the painkillers and start treating these patients for narcotic addiction”

New Opioid Guidelines Redefining ‘Compassion’ For Montana Doctors   As the nation faces an epidemic of opioid drug abuse after a decade of aggressively prescribing narcotics , Montana doctors are becoming more cautious about giving painkillers to chronic pain patients. It’s changing some patients ability to get treatment and what is considered compassionate care […]

Dr. Kolodny: “Outside of palliative care, dangerously high doses should be reduced even if patient refuses”

Dr. Andrew Kolodny has issued an epic challenge to the pain patient community. He wants to know — “Outside of palliative care, dangerously high doses should be reduced even if patient refuses. Where exactly is this done in a risky way?” and, “I’m asking you to point to a specific clinic or health system that […]

WV Board of Pharmacy dismisses director

WV Board of Pharmacy dismisses director The West Virginia Board of Pharmacy has dismissed its executive director amid a review of rules that require drug distributors to report on pharmacies that order a “suspicious” number of painkillers and other powerful prescription medications. David Potters, who also was the pharmacy board’s general counsel, departed after […]

Pharmacist: I was COMFORTABLE with a high opiate dose BEFORE SOMEONE TOLD ME THAT I WASN’T ?

I read your article several times and I am really upset over what transpired tonight at CVS when trying to fill my script for OxyContin 80mg. I take it 3x a day as the time released med and Oxycodone 30 mg for short acting  medicine for my chronic pain too many diagnosis to list. Been […]

America: we only care about human rights violations in other nations ?

I am a 60 yr old female from ME, I have had a sleep disorder that is genetically related my paternal side with my g-mother, my dad, his 2 sisters and sadly i passed it to our son who i see going thru struggles in treatment but he is not as severe as i am. […]

Daughters: Mother died “excruciating” death she didn’t want

Family sues UCSF for agreeing, then refusing to help woman die In what may be the first-of-its-kind lawsuit related to California’s End of Life Option Act, the family of a San Francisco terminally ill cancer patient is suing the UC San Francisco Medical Center alleging that her physician and the system misrepresented that they […]

the mere finding of abusable drugs at autopsy doesn’t necessarily mean that the drugs caused the death

Sudden, Unexpected Death in Chronic Pain Patients Severe pain, independent of medical therapy, may cause sudden, unexpected death. Cardiac arrest is the cause, and practitioners need to know how to spot a high-risk patient. Sudden, unexpected death may occur in a severe, chronic pain patient, and the terminal event may be unrelated to medical […]

CVS/Caremark Complaints State of Florida Employee Plan 2015-2016

CVS/Caremark Complaints State of Florida Employee Plan 2015-2016 Thanks to tax watch dog liberal public records laws in Florida, PUTT was able to obtain through the public records request process from the Department of Management Services the complaints from the state of Florida employees regarding their PBM – CVS/Caremark.  The request was specific for: […]

How broad is the definition of “medical error” and “adverse effects” ?

“1,000 Preventable Medical Deaths a Day”: U.S. Senate Committee Investigating Epidemic of Medical Errors On July 17th, Sen. Barrie Sanders (I – Vt.) opened a hearing of the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging by reciting some harrowing statistics: As many as 400,000 people die each year from preventable medical errors in […]