NY Post Spreads DEA Disinformation Regarding Kratom

NY Post Spreads DEA Disinformation Regarding Kratom www.inquisitr.com/4617297/ny-post-spreads-dea-disinfo-regarding-kratom/ Philip Fairbanks The New York Post recently published an article regarding kratom that relied heavily on blatant misinformation supplied by the DEA. The article claimed 10 percent of the 23,000 respondents to the call for public comments claimed they supported the DEA ban. They relied on a […]

Montana leads the nation in suicides per capita

Montana needs a pain patient bill of rights http://helenair.com/opinion/letters/montana-needs-a-pain-patient-bill-of-rights/article_4fd8c999-ae65-5cab-9d78-0c7f65290c95.html “But pain patients are particularly vulnerable. They die by suicide at twice the rate of the general population. In 2014, 28,000 took their lives.” (http://www.painmedicinenews.com/Policy-and-Management/Article/11-17/Opioid-Crisis-Continues-to-Pressure-Physicians-But-Patients-Bear-the-Pain/45054) This article points out the crisis — currently invisible — of suicides in pain patients. Given that Montana leads the nation […]

There are dozens of cases of reported suicides after pain patients had their doses reduced

Cracking Down on Opioids Hurts People With Chronic Pain https://tonic.vice.com/en_us/article/8x5m7g/opioid-crackdown-chronic-pain-patients-suicide Before he broke his back in a 1980s accident that ultimately triggered years of chronic pain, Jay Lawrence had to make a split-second decision. He was on a bridge with a car in front of him and the brakes on his truck had failed. “He […]