Mortality Rates for Overdose Patients Who Refuse Transport What’s the mortality rate for patients who receive naloxone and then refuse transport? The Research Levine M, Sanko S, Eckstein M. Assessing the risk of prehospital administration of naloxone with subsequent refusal of care. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2016;20(5):566-569. The Science The authors of this study reviewed a three-year period (July 1, 2011, to Dec. […]

MMJ research… showing DEA is wrong about the medical value of MMJ ?

DEA wants researchers to grow less cannabis for medical studies in 2018 The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) wants federally-licensed researchers to grow 443,680 grams of cannabis for scientific studies in 2018. The government-cultivated proposed cannabis, that amounts to a little more than 978 pounds, is slightly less compared to this year’s level. According […]

The number of people living with diabetes has tripled since 2000 – should we ban SUGAR ?

Cost of diabetes epidemic reaches $850 billion a year The number of people living with diabetes has tripled since 2000, pushing the global cost of the disease to $850 billion a year, medical experts said on Tuesday. The vast majority of those affected have type 2 diabetes, which is linked to obesity and lack […]

10,000 baby boomers become eligible for Medicare EVERY DAY – good time to cut Medicare funding ?

GOP Tax Plan Would Cut Medicare Pay to Providers by $25B in 2018 Physicians, hospitals, and other providers would see their Medicare payments shrink by $25 billion next year if Congress approves a House Republican tax bill that would add roughly $1.5 trillion to the federal deficit over 10 years, the Congressional Budget Office […]

Kratom… – part of the “coffee family”…now classified as a “supplement”…but.. some federal agencies seem to have an agenda about it   Posted today on FDA about 2 hours ago This is what the FDA posted. “The FDA is concerned about harmful unapproved products that have been crossing our borders in increasing numbers. The agency has a public health obligation to act when we see people being harmed by unapproved products passed off as treatments […]