ACLU: partnering with us in standing up to cruel policies that target the most vulnerable among us – CPP NOT SO MUCH ?

I want to share something with you today – and that is a giant thank you from people all across the country. I’ve heard it everywhere I’ve travelled this year – “thank goodness for the ACLU.” “Thank you for fighting back.” “Thank you for standing up for people’s rights.” People are so grateful for our […]

Follow the money trail… DEA granted C-II status to THC to “bad actor company “

DEA finalizing Schedule II status for synthetic THC drug Syndros The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration this week will grant Schedule II status to a synthetic THC drug developed by a pharmaceutical firm beset with controversy. The DEA on Wednesday is expected to finalize the previously suggested Schedule II status for Syndros, the FDA-approved liquid […]

Kolodny: “We have to prevent new cases of addiction”– but no restriction on Alcohol & Nicotine ?

Substituting methadone for opioids could save billions (Reuters Health) – Policymakers and insurers have been pushing people addicted to opioids into abstinence-based detox programs, but a new study concludes that methadone and similar drug-maintenance treatments save lives and money. If the nearly 47,000 Californians who began treatment for opioid-use disorder in 2014 had received […]

Fed Reps… attempting to create law to dictate EVERYONE’S MORALITY ?

Reps. Suozzi and Katko Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Combat Opioid Addiction Long Island, NY – November 21, 2017 – U.S. Reps. John Katko (NY-24) and Tom Suozzi (NY-3) today announced that they have introduced bipartisan legislation geared towards reducing opioid addiction and drug abuse in New York and nationwide.     The legislation, introduced in […]

How much longer before Kolodny is recognized as the charlatan he REALLY IS ?

Millions of Patients Face Pain and Withdrawal as Opioid Prescriptions Plummet The suicide note Doug Hale left before killing himself. Source: Tammi Hale Six months after surgery to repair a damaged urinary tract in 1998, computer technician Doug Hale woke one morning with excruciating, burning pain. Hale’s suffering persisted for years, despite all sorts […]