Prevention Magazine – they want to do a story on abandoned pain patients.

I have been working closely with journalists for several months. In recent days I have been contacted by Prevention Magazine – they want to do a story on abandoned pain patients. Some of you may have seen the AARP magazine’s piece on the opiate crisis that essentially took a ‘sky is falling – oh it’s […]

Online survey needs your input

Steve, Can you get this online quickly? Terri Lewis, PhD sent to me since I use Opana ER. As a reminder, our PainEDU survey will be open until Wed, 11/29/17 at 5:00pm EST. The FDA asked Endo to withdraw the opioid Opana ER (oxymorphone) from market. Endo said in July 2017 it would voluntarily cease […]

USA has the “BEST MEDICAL CARE IN THE WORLD ” ? just not available to all ?

DEA mandates reduction in opioid manufacturing for 2018 Over objections that limits could harm chronic pain patients, agency moves forward with cuts DEA’s finalized annual aggregate production quotas (APQs) for 2018 mandate a 20% reduction in the amount of opiate and opioid medication—including oxycodone, hydrocodone, oxymorphone, hydromorphone, morphine, codeine, meperidine, and fentanyl—that may be manufactured in 2018. Quotas are aimed at preventing […]

When a Pharmacist can’t even come up with a LIE – for denying to fill a prescription ?

Hi  I’m not sure I have the right person for questions in regards to control substance prescriptions I’m paraplegic with Neurogenic bowel and bladder. Along with  many other issues and this morning  the pharmacist refused to fill my medication because of my medications which are all from my specialist that follows me. Whom i see […]

And KRATOM is “BAD MEDICINE ” ? unitedstateskratomunited My Beautiful Little Monster: TSW and Kratom Kratom United 2 days ago I had reason to be ashamed and fearful of the world. I was looked at like a disgusting monster. I know this because I heard it come out of children’s mouths, “is that a monster, mommy?” After a cursory glance from […]

Death by bureaucrat/politician ?

Gov Bullock is the Governor of Montana… should Gov Bullock be charged with assisting suicide ? How many other have committed suicide because of the bureaucray discouraging  prescribers in Montana to properly treat chronic pain pts ? Generally in our legal system.. if something happens ONCE it can be determined to be a ACCIDENT, but […]