Chain Pharmacies: generating PROFITS … selling “bandaids” to addicts ?

Video shows man coming back to life after overdosing at a CVS   DETROIT — Mark Harris had stopped at a CVS store in Detroit last month to pick up some medicine when he spotted an unusual sight. A young man was fading in and out of consciousness in an aisle, before collapsing to […]

Digital Pills Track How Patients Use Opioids

             New pill capsules that send a message to a smartphone as they move through the GI tract have emerged as a way to track whether patients are taking their medicine as prescribed. The problem of nonadherence to medication instructions causes about 125,000 deaths […]

Will CVS-Aetna Merger Lead to “Separate But Unequal” Healthcare? Last week, pharmacy giant CVS agreed to purchase Aetna this week for an astounding $69 billion dollar sum. The company allegedly plans to reduce health spending by developing an integrated system touted as “a new front door for health care in America.” This merger is actually an acquisition, entailing transfer of ownership. The central […]

What’s behind the spike in drug store robberies? The brazen afternoon robbery of a Citrus Heights Rite Aid resulting in the death of an 87-year-old woman brought attention to a growing problem: the rising rate of pharmacy thefts. In the northeast Sacramento County suburb alone, the number of pharmacy robberies is up to eight in 2017 from two in 2016. Over the […]

The CVS-Aetna Merger Will Be a Disaster for Small Drugstores and Patients ? Big corporate mergers in the health care industry tend to work out poorly for customers. When hospitals combine, they raise prices. When insurers get together, premiums can leap. But when pharmacy giant CVS announced last week that it planned to buy Aetna, the nation’s third largest insurer, in a deal worth $69 billion, some […]

Aetna: denied 15 y/o minimal invasive brain surgery to end her epilepsy

Girl has blunt message for insurance company after brain surgery request denied Cara Pressman sobbed in the big red chair in her living room. The 15-year-old tried to absorb the devastating news relayed by her parents: that their insurance company, Aetna, denied her for a minimally invasive brain surgery that could end the seizures that […]