Kolodny: 24/7 opiates for chronic pain has more RISKS than BENEFITS….“nobody is calling them addicts”

http://www.sj-r.com/news/20180324/chronic-pain-patients-losing-access-to-prescription-painkillers-advocates-say Before Cynthia Bly used up the last of her prescription of pain pills in January, she was able to do the dishes, cook meals and take short walks with her husband outside their rural Springfield home. Now that the 64-year-old former office worker no longer has access to hydrocodone, an opioid pain reliever, the […]

U.S. Attorney General says it’s time to get tough on opioid traffickers, again calls for death penalty in some caes

www.thecapitolist.com/u-s-attorney-general-says-its-time-to-get-tough-on-opioid-traffickers-again-calls-for-death-penalty-in-some-caes/ U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions was in Tallahassee Thursday afternoon where he announced a new initiative that he says will take drug traffickers off the street and put them in prison cells, and suggested the death penalty be handed down  “in drug trafficking cases where it is appropriate to do so.” “Today, I am […]

#AT&T how not to change cell service providers

We have had #ATT&T for most of the last 25-30 yrs… even back when they called it #Cingular. People use to make comments about #MA-BELL and her “it my way or the highway”.. which was probably behind the government causing her to be broken up into “Baby Bells”. It would seem that #MA-BELL is back […]

Prescription for Conflict ?


Let’s Stop the Hysterical Rhetoric about the Opioid Crisis

https://www.cato.org/publications/commentary/lets-stop-hysterical-rhetoric-about-opioid-crisis President Trump held a meeting earlier this summer with the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), and other advisers to take a deep dive into solving the nation’s worsening opioid overdose problem. The Trump administration is clearly shifting into high gear on […]

Inside a drug pricing contract.. how pts and pharmacies get financially SCREWED ?

https://www.axios.com/inside-express-scripts-pbm-contract-8be2f09d-cbfa-4275-9855-7bc9c4fcc1a7.html A contract template used by Express Scripts, the largest pharmacy benefit manager in the U.S., provides a window into how pharmacy benefit managers — middlemen that manage drug coverage for businesses throughout the country — steer negotiations with drug companies to benefit their own financial interests. Why it matters: These benefit managers have a […]

ACLU wants to protect women from being discriminated by healthcare… but only very narrow disease issues ?

Hi Steve – Religious liberty is not a license to discriminate and harm. Yet Trump’s Department of Health and Human Services wants to let health care providers use their religious beliefs to justify turning away patients in need. This is a betrayal of the department’s own mission, and it could have disastrous consequences – particularly […]

Sometimes the Journal of the AMA Gets It Wrong! And so do careless journalists.

https://www.acsh.org/news/2018/03/21/sometimes-journal-ama-gets-it-wrong-and-so-do-careless-journalists-12731 On March 6, 2018, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a 12-month randomized clinical trial [authors Erin E Krebs, Amy Gravely, Beth DeRonne, Elizabeth Goldsmith, and others] which compared opioids to non-opioid medications for treatment of moderate to severe osteoarthritis and back pain among 240 Veterans Administration patients.  In the days since publication, […]

Pain meds shortage changing how North Texas patients are treated

http://www.wfaa.com/article/news/pain-meds-shortage-changing-how-north-texas-patients-are-treated/287-530782803 His pain has eased now, but two weeks ago, “It was excruciating. I’d say it was about an 8 [out of 10 ], when they were asking me at the hospital.” Several North Texas hospitals are acknowledging a shortage in powerful pain medications. It is a nationwide shortage, believed to be caused in large […]

Illegal opiate OD’s increasing and Congress is still looking at decade old data to find solutions ?

House Energy and Commerce Committee grills DEA chief over free flow of opioids https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/house-energy-and-commerce-committee-grills-dea-chief-over-free-flow-of-opioids/2018/03/20/76a79e24-2c68-11e8-b0b0-f706877db618_story.html The acting director of the Drug Enforcement Administration said a database that monitors the flow of powerful prescription painkillers from manufacturer to distribution point was compiled manually during the height of the opioid crisis, making it a reactive, not proactive, tool. […]
