DEA gives some of Pfizer’s injected narcotics allotment to competitors as production issues intensify shortages Pfizer, the largest U.S. producer of injected narcotics, said Wednesday it has resumed production of some of the prefilled syringes that have been in short supply and expects to have the first shipments to wholesalers in July. But Pfizer will have a smaller allotment to send after the DEA recently gave some of its […]

Medical care .. rationed by corporate policies and bottom line ?

Another close friend of mine with an uncurable chronic condition also had Walmart refuse her pain medication after going to that exact pharmacy 2 years! I refuse to go go Walmart, CVS or anywhere that will hurt me or other pain patients. I contacted Walmart and will again on Monday. I’m calling the corporate complaint […]

Medicare compounds the (Opiate) epidemic by funding needed opioids that can be abused The face of the nation’s opioid epidemic increasingly is gray and wrinkled. But that face often is overlooked in a crisis that frequently focuses on the young. Consider this: While opioid abuse declined in younger groups between 2002 and 2014, even sharply among those 18 to 25 years old, the epidemic almost doubled […]