Trump administration proposes production quota cuts for six opioids

Trump administration proposes production quota cuts for six opioids WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) – The Trump administration on Thursday proposed that U.S. drugmakers cut production quotas of the six most abused opioids by 10 percent next year to fight a nationwide addiction crisis. In a statement, the U.S. Justice Department and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) […]

DEA Wants More Marijuana Grown And Fewer Opioids Produced In 2019. Really.

DEA Wants More Marijuana Grown And Fewer Opioids Produced In 2019. Really. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) isn’t exactly known as big fan of marijuana. But in a new Federal Register filing set to be published soon, the anti-drug agency is moving to more than quintuple the amount of cannabis that can legally be […]