Trump Promised Anti-Opioid ‘Scare’ Ads. Here Are the First 4   This is your brain on opioids. While not explicitly stated, that’s essentially the message the Trump administration is deploying in its initial anti-opioid ad campaign, which seeks to keep young adults from becoming dependent on the addictive medications. The campaign, unveiled Thursday, stresses that dependence on opioids can happen after just five days […]

It is amazing how they “count DEAD BODIES”

Back  in 2012 the New England Compounding Center distributed some compounded sterile Methylprednisolone used mostly for ESI that was contaminated with a fungus… This article from 2013 claimed : “The series of safety failures happened long before national attention focused on the New England Compounding Center, whose contaminated steroid shots were linked to 45 […]

The government is charging Dr. Kufner with doing spinal injections that, in the government reviewer’s mind, were not medically unnecessary Ronald P. Kufner, MD Ronald Kufner, MD, 68, is an anesthesiologist and pain management specialist working with multiple hospitals and other doctors and specialists around Detroit, Michigan, without joining any group. And yet he is included with the 5 doctors at The Pain Center in Warren, Michigan who are all facing charges for conspiracy […]

Punishing patients in pain won’t reduce opioid deaths

Send letters to: A patient with metastatic prostate cancer tried to kill himself after he could not get the medication he was prescribed for bone pain because a suspicious pharmacist called his insurer, which denied coverage. Barbara McAneny, the president of the American Medical Association, commented, “I share the nation’s concern that more […]