The “bad” happens when patients are forcibly tapered off their medications, leaving them with no way to adequately address their pain

Oregon’s illegal drug users rewarded as chronic pain patients suffer As a general practitioner, I have seen the “good,” the “bad,” and the “ugly” of the “opioid epidemic.” The “good” happens when patients are stabilized on their analgesics and able to return to work or volunteer and regain a better quality of life.  Clinically […]

She was stuck – unable to change doctors without a referral from her current pain doctor, who refused

Chronic-pain patients suffer as agencies try to regulate addiction Could the fact that a prescriber CHANGES or DELETES a pt’s diagnosis and replaced it with a diagnosis does not fit the pt’s health condition be considered MALPRACTICE particularly if the “new therapy” causes the pt’s quality of life to deteriorate ?  And the prescriber […]