Walmart: Pharmacist “just not comfortable” filling a pt’s two controlled meds

My wife is 100% disabled deemed so by the state of Fla. Last week the pharmacist at Walmart refused to fill her Xanax and adderall. Is he in violation of the ADA?  He just said he was uncomfortable filling  them

Overcharges on generic Prilosec give Ohio taxpayers heartburn

Overcharges on generic Prilosec give Ohio taxpayers heartburn For the past couple of years, Ohioans could buy the generic version of the heartburn treatment Prilosec off the shelf at most any drugstore for less than 60 cents a tablet — and less than 40 cents online. At the same time, however, Ohioans were being […]

Physician outrage over CVS’ new diabetic testing policy

Physician outrage over CVS’ new diabetic testing policy Editor’s Note: Physicians Practice’s blog features contributions from members of the medical community. The opinions expressed are that of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Physicians Practice or its publisher.   Self-monitoring of blood glucose is an essential part of managing diabetes. […]

Likes vs Sharing

who remembers this old commercial…  when you like a post on a blog, FB or twitter all you are doing is letting the company behind the website to collect data about YOU… when you regularly share…then your friends gets the post to hopefully read and hopefully share with their friends. How many people that there […]