D.E.A. Secretly Collected Bulk Records of Money-Counter Purchases

D.E.A. Secretly Collected Bulk Records of Money-Counter Purchases https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/30/us/politics/dea-money-counter-records.html?partner=IFTTT WASHINGTON — The Drug Enforcement Administration secretly collected data in bulk about Americans’ purchases of money-counting machines — and took steps to hide the effort from defendants and courts — before quietly shuttering the program in 2013 amid the uproar over the disclosures by the National […]

Survey: Half Of Doctors Considering Leaving Medicine — Because Of Health Insurance Headaches

Survey: Half Of Doctors Considering Leaving Medicine — Because Of Health Insurance Headaches https://www.studyfinds.org/survey-half-doctors-consider-leaving-medicine-insurance-company-headaches/ Poll of 600 physicians shows frustration over insurer policies and delays that doctors say could be leaving patients in prolonged pain. WASHINGTON — Are health insurance policies creating nightmares for physicians and hazards for their patients? A new study finds that […]

This has a lot of “very rough language” BUT – if true – conclusion is very interesting and APPALLING

Apparently President Trump does not GET IT … about the difference between opiate abuse and legitimate medical need ?

The LEAST VISIBLE healthcare “MIDDLEMAN” – makes the most PROFIT ?

So the monthly list price of your insulin has gone from $391 in 2014 to $594 in 2018, THAT’S UNACCEPTABLE!! But who’s to blame?? It must be the drug manufacturer, right?? NO!! When you look at what the drug manufacturer keeps, it actually lowered from $147 in 2014 to $135 in $2018. They are getting […]

Remarks from FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D., as prepared for oral testimony before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Hearing, “Federal Efforts to Combat the Opioid Crisis: A Status Update on CARA and Other Initiatives

Remarks from FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D., as prepared for oral testimony before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Hearing, “Federal Efforts to Combat the Opioid Crisis: A Status Update on CARA and Other Initiatives https://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm582031.htm Chairman Walden and Ranking Member Pallone, thank you for the opportunity to testify today before the full committee. […]