Purdue Pharma, state of Oklahoma reach settlement in landmark opioid lawsuit

https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/purdue-pharma-state-of-oklahoma-reach-settlement-in-landmark-opioid-lawsuit/2019/03/26/69aa5cda-4f11-11e9-a3f7-78b7525a8d5f_story.html Purdue Pharma and the state of Oklahoma have agreed to settle a lawsuit over the drugmaker’s role in the deadly opioid crisis, a milestone in the legal effort to force pharmaceutical companies to pay some of the costs of the epidemic, people familiar with the matter said. The deal, which is scheduled to be […]

Another Vet left being tortured by the VA & the govt that promised to take care of him

It’s OFFICIAL the VA has now fully tapered my dad. His last RX is coming and that’s the end. Their intentions were all along to kill my father, even after the family begging them not to take away his pain medication. It was the VA who put my father on the pain program now they […]

A Federal Court Says Your Prescription Records Aren’t Really Private. The Supreme Court Might Have Something to Say About That.

A Federal Court Says Your Prescription Records Aren’t Really Private. The Supreme Court Might Have Something to Say About That. https://www.aclu.org/blog/privacy-technology/location-tracking/federal-court-says-your-prescription-records-arent-really When you fill a prescription at your local drug store, you would surely bristle at someone behind you peeking over your shoulder — but in a decision issued last week, a federal court in […]

Opioid bill ignores real problem, creates host of new ones, critics argue

https://www.watchdog.org/minnesota/opioid-bill-ignores-real-problem-creates-host-of-new-ones/article_6f73481c-4c18-11e9-bc8c-9b551bb84e55.html A Minnesota bill seeking to establish an Opioid Stewardship Fund doesn’t address the root cause of the opioid crisis – the illegal sale of narcotics – and will only increase costs to taxpayers, insurance companies and their customers, critics argue. And while well-intentioned, it potentially could drive pharmaceutical companies out of the state, they […]

Dr Mark Ibsen : unhappy about how a cancer survivor veteran loosing his pain meds

Under treatment of pain – ELDER ABUSE – plaintiff awarded 1.5 million by jury

http://www.mywhatever.com/cifwriter/library/eperc/fastfact/ff63.html Title: Fast Fact and Concept #63: The legal liability of undertreatment of pain Author(s): Warm, Eric; Weissman, David E It is well recognized that physician’s fear of fear of regulatory scrutiny (DEA, state medical boards), is a major contributor to the problem of under treatment of pain. A recent landmark lawsuit should be a […]

Association of Tramadol With All-Cause Mortality Among Patients With Osteoarthritis

Association of Tramadol With All-Cause Mortality Among Patients With Osteoarthritis https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2727448 Question  Is tramadol prescription associated with a higher risk of all-cause mortality than other pain relief medications among patients with osteoarthritis? Findings  In this cohort study that included 88 902 patients with osteoarthritis, initial prescription of tramadol was associated with a significantly increased risk of […]

Addiction now defined as brain disorder, not behavior issue

Addiction now defined as brain disorder, not behavior issue Decades of research convinced American Society of Addiction Medicine to change definition http://www.nbcnews.com/id/44147493/ns/health-addictions/t/addiction-now-defined-brain-disorder-not-behavior-issue/ Addiction is a chronic brain disorder and not simply a behavior problem involving alcohol, drugs, gambling or sex, experts contend in a new definition of addiction, one that is not solely related to […]

5 Secrets Your Doctor Will Never Tell You

5 Secrets Your Doctor Will Never Tell You The inside scoop only a physician could tell you. https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/heal-the-mind-heal-the-body/201903/5-secrets-your-doctor-will-never-tell-you Medical privacy is very important in medicine and as doctors keep your problems confidential, they often also keep their problems a secret to the outside world. Here are 5 secrets doctors don’t want to reveal and how knowing […]

NACDS lauds bill to mitigate opioid abuse

NACDS lauds bill to mitigate opioid abuse www.chaindrugreview.com/nacds-lauds-bill-to-mitigate-opioid-abuse/ Legislation limits initial scripts to seven days. ARLINGTON, Va.— The National Association of Chain Drug Stores Friday welcomed Senate legislation that would limit to a seven-day supply the initial prescriptions of opioids for acute pain —  a move that is consistent with Centers for Disease Control and […]