Hope in the drug crisis: New data shows prescription opioid use fell at a historic rate last year

Hope in the drug crisis: New data shows prescription opioid use fell at a historic rate last year https://www.cnbc.com/2019/05/08/prescription-opioid-use-fell-at-a-record-rate-in-2018-new-report.html Use of prescription opioids such as OxyContin or Vicodin fell at a record rate last year as the U.S. government cracks down on pharmacists and drugmakers that dispense the sometimes lethal painkillers, according to a report […]

investigator at Politico, Harmed by a prescription drug monitoring program or turned away by their pharmacist

Terri Lewis PhD Is looking for patients harmed by being turned away by their pharmacist Or Harmed by a prescription drug monitoring program. anyone who wants to share their story of being harmed by a PDMP or risk scoring program can send me an email which I will forward to the investigator at Politico. Tal7291@yahoo.com

Neurontin: The Darling of the Anti-Opioid Crowd. But Does It Work?

Neurontin: The Darling of the Anti-Opioid Crowd. But Does It Work? https://www.acsh.org/news/2019/05/07/neurontin-darling-anti-opioid-crowd-does-it-work-14005 The mad rush to purge this country of demonic prescription analgesic drugs (mainly Vicodin and Percocet) has pain patients and their doctors in an unprecedented dilemma. The tapering or complete discontinuation of painkilling drugs that pain patients have been using successfully for years, even decades, and […]