“VA has demonstrated success in reducing opioid use, while addressing the challenge of living well with chronic pain.”

VA Secretary praises department’s model path to ending opioid addiction Statement follows President Trump’s remarks at summit addressing drug crisis www.blogs.va.gov/VAntage/59377/va-secretary-praises-departments-model-path-ending-opioid-addiction/#comments Calling the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs a recognized leader in pain management and opioid safety, VA Secretary Robert Wilkie today underscored the department’s innovative approaches to chronic pain management. Wilkie’s response followed President […]

“I believe I am a danger to the public working for CVS.” – Anonymous CVS Pharmacist

“I believe I am a danger to the public working for CVS.” http://pharmacistactivist.com/2019/May_2019.shtml Background I have been a pharmacist long enough to remember the time when CVS was first started. Its leadership demonstrated a strong commitment to the professional role of pharmacists and their communication with patients. Television advertisements featured pharmacists counseling patients. I encouraged […]