Johnson & Johnson profited from both sides of opioid crisis, says epidemic expert

Johnson & Johnson profited from both sides of opioid crisis, says epidemic expert The first case in a flood of civil litigation against opioid drug manufacturers is in its third week in Oklahoma. Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter’s suit alleges Johnson & Johnson, the nation’s largest drugmaker, helped ignite a public health crisis that […]

Former CDC Director Arrested And Charged With Sexual Misconduct

Former CDC Director Arrested And Charged With Sexual Misconduct Dr. Thomas Frieden, the former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, was arrested and charged on Friday after he was accused of groping a woman, law enforcement officials said. Detective Sophia Mason of the New York Police Department told NPR that the […]

Who Can Afford the Cost of Living with Chronic Pain?

Who Can Afford the Cost of Living with Chronic Pain? Most chronic pain patients do not expect their lives to be a picnic. Chronic pain inflicts psychological and physical damage that can drain the resources of the strongest and most resilient among us. What most of chronic pain patients don’t always anticipate is the […]

I Am: An Un-apologetic Opioid Patient

I Am: An Un-apologetic Opioid Patient I take opioids. I have been taking them now for almost 4yrs. Opioids don’t eliminate my pain completely, and there are some days that I still can’t function, but they have allowed me some semblance of a life. I can not emphasize semblance, strongly enough. My world absolutely […]

Congress plans on saving 220,000 lives

Young holds Tobacco 21 Press Conference in Lafayette LAFAYETTE, Ind. – Today, U.S. Senator Todd Young (R-Ind.) joined doctors and public health officials for a press conference at IU Health Arnett Hospital in Lafayette regarding his new Tobacco to 21 Act. The bipartisan legislation would prohibit the sale of tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, to anyone […]

Researchers Are Creating New Vaccine to Target Opioid Addiction

Researchers Are Creating New Vaccine to Target Opioid Addiction Researchers are working on a promising new vaccine that could aid in the battle against opioid addiction. With the help of a $250,000 grant from the National Institutes of Health, researchers from the University of New Mexico (UNM) are joining forces with a Northern Arizona […]

Veteran totally off hydrocodone.

AK has a STRONG OPINION – about opiate crisis – not based on FACTS ? NORMAN, Okla. — A key witness in the ongoing trial against the nation’s largest drugmaker described the company as the “kingpin” in the state’s opioid crisis. Dr. Andrew Kolodny, co-director of opioid policy research at Brandeis University, testified Thursday he believed Johnson & Johnson was a “major cause” of the epidemic. The company is […]

Don’t Punish Pain Rally Montage

When local officers work with federal agents on joint task forces, they are prohibited from wearing body cameras

Local police increasingly clash with federal law enforcement on body cameras Local police are increasing their use of body cameras, which often puts them at odds with the federal agents they work with — who “never wear body cameras,” the Washington Post reports. The big picture: A 2018 Justice Department survey found that 47% […]