Level the playing field – NOT A ONE AND DONE PROJECT !

There has been some discussion in a few FB groups in particular about creating and funding a “legal defense fund”. To address the issue that many in the chronic pain community is dealing with is a multi-faceted problem. Federal rules/laws, state rules/laws and healthcare corporations (Insurance/PBM, healthcare corporations, chain pharmacies, CDC guidelines, and numerous interpretations […]

Millions of lawsuits coming ?

Often Mistaken But Never in Doubt. Dr. Debra Houry and CDC Guidelines on Opioid Prescription in Chronic Pain

Often Mistaken But Never in Doubt. Dr. Debra Houry and CDC Guidelines on Opioid Prescription in Chronic Pain https://www.acsh.org/news/2019/10/28/often-mistaken-never-doubt-dr-debra-houry-and-cdc-guidelines-opioid-prescription-chronic-pain-14363 For people in pain, the following history is familiar.  After a year of political maneuvering and under-the-table influence peddling, the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) at CDC issued a “guideline” in March 2016, […]