Thomas Kline, MD: MYTH 7 You are a drug seeker, it’s in your head. Nope. It is SYSTEMIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE!

Jul 9, 2015: Welcome to our COLD HEARTED .. FOR PROFIT … NO PRIVACY… Healthcare system

Is this like mafia/gangsters shaking down local retail businesses for pay offs ?

folks who do not understand the industry. I know when I submit a bid to a PBM there is not an exorbitant profit built into the equation…in fact, after all of the rebates and discounts, the profit margin is unbelievably slim. I also hear how the gov. Does not negotiate prices, well here is what […]

If you think that ACLU is fighting discrimination against large parts of our population – read this

If you think that ACLU is fighting discrimination against large parts of our population – read this This email highlights the FOUR MAJOR CASES of the ACLU in 2019 boils down to transgender, LGBT, HIV rights, reproduction rights,  voting rights for illegal immigrants , other illegal immigration rights. and of course, in this emailing […]

Forced cold turkey withdrawal – caused a stroke that caused so much damage

It is with a heavy and broken heart that I must share the news that we are just learning of a #SuicideDue2Pain. She lives here in Oklahoma near me and was very active in many groups as well as planning to join us in advocacy events next year. She was able to find a doctor […]

Pain Warriors documentary about Chronic Pain and medical establishment, short teaser

Pain Warriors documentary about Chronic Pain and medical establishment, short teaser

No Help, no medication. I want out. I’m not strong enough

No Help, no medication. I want out. I’m not strong enough this is what I tried to do to myself tonight but I couldn’t cut deep enough I didn’t have a sharp enough blade. I am completely out of medication and no doctor will take me. I was again taken to Scripps ER. They wanted […]