DUID: Driving under the influence of DRUGS – updated

while this person hits some of the highlights of what we could be dealing with in the future… there is a lot of “stuff” that is – and has been – going on that few people have a clue about. I have often seen people discussing the good/bad/ugly about people getting “chipped” … like we […]

ONLY IN CALF: San Francisco gives drugs, alcohol to homeless addicts in hotels during coronavirus, sparking debate

San Francisco gives drugs, alcohol to homeless addicts in hotels during coronavirus, sparking debate https://www.foxnews.com/us/san-francisco-homeless-addicts-in-hotels-coronavirus-debate Controversy is ensuing in San Francisco after the city decided to give alcohol, marijuana, and methadone to homeless addicts in hotels during the coronavirus pandemic, according to a report. Last Friday a man who describes himself on Twitter as “Formerly homeless addict in […]