Which agency is the least efficient .. DEA or IRS ?

IRS spent millions on audits that returned no revenue, report finds https://www.foxbusiness.com/personal-finance/irs-spent-millions-on-audits-that-returned-no-revenue-report-finds About half of large business returns audited were closed without change The IRS is wasting time paying employees to audit returns that generate no additional revenue for the agency, a watchdog report released Thursday found. Of the 10,755 returns that were analyzed – […]

Former DEA task force agent ..” spills the beans” about the war on drugs

https://therappreportpodcast.podbean.com/e/e11-interview-with-former-dea-agent-and-law-enforcement-officer-russell-jones/ Russell Jones has been involved in the “War on Drugs” on various fronts for more than 40 years. For 10 of those years, Russell worked as a San Jose, California narcotics detective. Later he was assigned to a DEA-run task force. As a government intelligence agent, Russell worked in Latin America observing narcotics trafficking […]