We Can’t Give Up!

We Can’t Give Up! https://pharmacistactivist.com/2021/May_2021.shtml Even in retirement from my faculty responsibilities, my time is fully occupied with pharmacy and other activities to the point that I am challenged to keep up with email communications. As a consequence, I do not participate in or visit social media sites, although pharmacy friends faithfully forward to me […]

Myth – Rite Aid: “We Care” Fact – Rite Aid DOESN’T Care!

Myth – Rite Aid: “We Care” Fact – Rite Aid DOESN’T Care! https://pharmacistactivist.com/2021/May_2021.shtml On March 10 my wife made several purchases at the Rite Aid store in our community. As she was leaving she tripped and fell, and was in severe pain. I was in our car in the parking lot, and I and five […]

Lawsuit: CVS Pharmacy refused to fill Riverview woman’s opioid prescription

Lawsuit: CVS Pharmacy refused to fill Riverview woman’s opioid prescription Link to lawsuit filed   https://www.wfla.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/71/2020/08/Class-Action-Complaint-Fuog-vs-CVS-Pharmacy.pdf

“How did the opioid epidemic overtake America? The prevailing narrative offered a too-easy scapegoat… If not Purdue, who drove the epidemic?”

“How did the opioid epidemic overtake America? The prevailing narrative offered a too-easy scapegoat… If not Purdue, who drove the epidemic?” https://www.judgeforyourselves.info/ Unsubstantiated allegations that were unaddressed for too long gained a life of their own. This website addresses questions, corrects falsehoods and sets the record straight based on publicly available, verifiable information. Judge for yourselves […]