Liver injury from acetaminophen at low doses linked to fasting, heavy drinking

Liver injury from acetaminophen at low doses linked to fasting, heavy drinking Acetaminophen is commonly used to treat minor aches and pains; however, patients have been cautioned about liver injury associated with overuse. Because of the extensive use of this medication, Louvet and colleagues at Hôpital Huriez and the Université de Lille (France) performed […]

Bureaucracies: insisting on following the science until the science doesn’t conform to their agenda ?

the four articles included in this post is from a legal brief… of a prescriber as a defendant in defending being pursued by a state medical licensing board to revoke the prescriber’s state medical license over some FABRICATED BELIEFS on the prescribing of opiates to treat legit chronic pain pts. I was thinking today as […]

RIP: In her haunting words, she couldn’t do it anymore. “This is not survivable”

The beloved advocate, lawyer, & activist Erin Gilmer has passed on. She was suffering in #IntractablePain. Her doctors ignored her to death. How many must die to prove there is a TREMENDOUS problem in American Healthcare? She begged for help for years, and no one listened. No one. When there is no end in sight, […]

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