Just a reminder to EVERYONE – sometimes – SHARING IS NOT CARING !

Just as a reminder to everyone, this has been the federal DEA law since the Control Substance Act was signed into law in 1970. The DEA usually goes after the person/entity that has given/shared/sold the controlled substance to someone else…  They seldom go after the person receiving the controlled substances and consider the person/entity “distributing” […]

DEA: Trying to RESTRICT the dispensing of suboxone type products – more deaths by regulations ?

As Overdose Deaths Soar, DEA-Wary Pharmacies Shy From Dispensing Addiction Medication https://khn.org/news/article/as-overdose-deaths-soar-dea-wary-pharmacies-shy-from-dispensing-addiction-medication/ When Martin Njoku saw opioid addiction devastate his West Virginia community, he felt compelled to help. This was the place he’d called home for three decades, where he’d raised his two girls and turned his dream of owning a pharmacy into reality. In […]

Hundreds of Doctors Urge Facebook to Disclose ‘Disinfo’ Data

Hundreds of Doctors Urge Facebook to Disclose ‘Disinfo’ Data — Letter to Mark Zuckerberg calls lack of transparency ‘deadly’ https://www.medpagetoday.com/special-reports/exclusives/95541 More than 500 physicians and public health professionals in the U.S. have signed a letter demanding that Facebook divulge its data around COVID-19 disinformation. The letter, which was initially shared exclusively with USA Today and […]