Walgreen’s Pharmacist: doesn’t know – or cares – what state pharmacy law is !

I recently read an article that mentioned you being an advocate for pain patient rights within the pharmacy and I have a question. I will give you the scenario before asking the question.  My husband is disabled and on pain medication. He fell 2 stories years ago and messed his back up pretty bad. He […]

Prescriber induced suicide- jury awards a SEVEN MILLION JUDGEMENT

This article goes into much more detail surrounding the suicide of a chronic pain pts when his meds were cut 55% than what was published by the local Louisville KY TV station ( WDRB )  https://www.pharmaciststeve.com/7-million-awarded-to-family-of-man-who-killed-himself-after-pain-medication-denied/ While I don’t encourage or condone SUICIDE… even before this fabricated opiate epidemic – our country had about 50,000 […]