Could the COVID-19 pandemic change the conversation about the bureaucracies legal right to mandate/deny the use of various medications?

In 1992, Jim Gray, a conservative judge in conservative Orange County, California, held a press conference during which he recommended that we rethink our drug laws. Back then, it took a great deal of courage to suggest that the war on drugs was a failed policy. Today, more and more Americans are coming to the […]

The agony of opioid withdrawal — and what doctors should tell patients about it

The United States accounts for five percent of the world’s population but consumes almost 70 percent of the total global opioid supply, creating an epidemic that has resulted in tens of thousands of deaths each year. How did we get here, and what can we do about it? In this personal talk, Travis Rieder recounts […]

Starting a conversation about Quality of Life for chronic pain pts – part one 01/05/2022