Rx dept staffing hours — are being cut – coming to a chain store near you

RA (Rite Aid) just announced they are cutting tech hours by about half!!! Every other industry is begging for help and pharmacies are just pissing it away! Reason? Yes, it’s about 4 weeks out till end of fiscal year so big shots want to make their bonuses as high as they can get while the […]

PBS showing up for us now!!! Please fill out and share, fellow Pharmers!

PBS showing up for us now!!! Please fill out and share, fellow Pharmers! PBS NewsHour  tgS23p2trh1c22ht44g55  · Are you a pharmacist or pharmacy technician? How has your work been affected by the pandemic? We want to hear from you as part of our reporting: https://forms.gle/s1q3E5kvqf2kUpNm7