A law firm that is doing a lot of civil rights/discrimination lawsuits – could they assist chronic pain pts and being denied pain meds ?

I am not sure if this article is just a bunch of hyperbole by a law firm trying to stir up some business.  This statement is rather confusing to me…The DEA is authorized to take administrative action against violating individuals and entities.. and then goes on to say… If criminal activity is suspected, the DEA […]

Looking in the rear view mirror

I found this graphic on my computer with a date from 2014 Then there is this graphic that shows ALL OVERDOSES – starting about the time that the Decade of Pain Law expired and was not renewed.. Opiate Rxs peaked in 2011 – again near the start of this graphic and projects the OD deaths […]

Clinical Trial Finds BP Elevation With Regular Acetaminophen Use

So …. they CUT YOUR PAIN MEDS, YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE GOES UP… and they tell you to take a non-opiate pain med for your pain.. This study suggests that Acetaminophen ( Tylenol ) could cause your blood pressure to GO HIGHER !   The GOOD NEWS  is… you won’t harm your liver taking Acetaminophen, the BAD […]