the Alec Smith Insulin Affordability Act Ever since her son Alec Smith died in 2017, after rationing his insulin because he couldn’t afford the $1,300 monthly cost, Nicole Smith-Holt has talked to thousands of people about how the tragedy happened.  “I never get tired of telling Alec’s story,” she said. “It steals a little piece of my heart every time […]

SECOND comment posted to CDC opiate dosing guidelines

I just realized that the CDC guidelines – both 2016 and the new proposed 2022 – do not follow how our healthcare systems works. A pt goes to the practitioner and they if they have obvious symptoms, the practitioner typically will run some lab test (blood/urine)… they get back the values of numerous of substances […]

Sometimes… the TRUTH… is the BEST JOKE

Mark Suckerberg has LOST some 40-50 billion in net worth because of the TUMBLING VALUE OF META (FB) FAKE BOOK STOCK

This is the stock value of META (FB) “FAKEBOOK” as of abt 3:45 today… over the last six months the value of a share of FAKEBOOK is WORTH ALMOST HALF OF WHAT IT WAS AT ITS HIGHEST PRICE OVER THE LAST YEAR !  In fact Meta’s price hit a 52 WEEK LOW (207.16) TODAY. 52 […]

We’re measuring opioid strength the wrong way

I am not an attorney, but when someone robs a store and store employee is shot/killed … the person driving the get a way vehicle – gets charged with the same crime – just as if he/she had the gun and pulled the trigger. Should individual professionals, healthcare corporations, insurance/PBM’s that creates edicts, policy and […]

A law firm that is doing a lot of civil rights/discrimination lawsuits – could they assist chronic pain pts and being denied pain meds ?

I am not sure if this article is just a bunch of hyperbole by a law firm trying to stir up some business.  This statement is rather confusing to me…The DEA is authorized to take administrative action against violating individuals and entities.. and then goes on to say… If criminal activity is suspected, the DEA […]

Looking in the rear view mirror

I found this graphic on my computer with a date from 2014 Then there is this graphic that shows ALL OVERDOSES – starting about the time that the Decade of Pain Law expired and was not renewed.. Opiate Rxs peaked in 2011 – again near the start of this graphic and projects the OD deaths […]

Clinical Trial Finds BP Elevation With Regular Acetaminophen Use

So …. they CUT YOUR PAIN MEDS, YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE GOES UP… and they tell you to take a non-opiate pain med for your pain.. This study suggests that Acetaminophen ( Tylenol ) could cause your blood pressure to GO HIGHER !   The GOOD NEWS  is… you won’t harm your liver taking Acetaminophen, the BAD […]

SUCKERBERG: Texas AG Paxton rips Meta for stealing user biometrics to ‘make more money’

Texas AG Paxton rips Meta for stealing user biometrics to ‘make more money’ AG Paxton says Meta’s privacy violations are ‘damaging’ to personal identity Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has filed a lawsuit against Meta for stealing users’ personal information and causing irreparable damages, he told “Mornings with Maria” Tuesday. Paxton: There’s specific statutory […]

Why Try to Kill the Physician

Why Try to Kill the Physician The king is dead, long live the king. The reign of the physician is over, replaced by a system of nudges, consultants, and care gap analyses. The lone physician is now gone. In its wake resides a nexus of data and decision prompts, all interacting to standardize healthcare […]