CMS Behavioral Health Strategy: Goal 3: Ensure effective pain treatment and management

Goal 3:  Ensure effective pain treatment and management CMS Behavioral Health Strategy The CMS Behavioral Health Strategy covers multiple elements including access to prevention and treatment services for substance use disorders, mental health services, crisis intervention and pain care; and further enable care that is well-coordinated and effectively integrated. The CMS Behavioral Health Strategy […]

When BIG ASS CHAIN PHARMACY: tells R.Ph. to refuse to fill control meds for pts and just refuse to give reason- JUST LIE TO PT ?

I had to switch pharmacy’s after 20 years and everything seem ok for about 6 months and new pharmacy called and the guy says I hate lying but I can’t fill your meds anymore kept talking about being told to lie and he was sorry, I ask them to put it in writing and they […]

Protecting Consumer Health Data Privacy Beyond HIPAA

Protecting Consumer Health Data Privacy Beyond HIPAA If you look at the apps on your phone, chances are you have at least one related to your health—and probably several. Whether it is a mental health app, a fitness tracker, a connected health device or something else, many of us are taking advantage of this […]