When a person claiming to be a chronic pain advocate ends up being a saboteur

When Bob’s refers to “my kids”.. he is really referring to the END OF LIFE PEDIATRIC CANCER PTS in Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville, TN. Nearly a year ago, Bob started advocating for proper pain treatment for these end of life pediatric cancer pts..  Apparently Vanderbilt is one of those “no opiate hospitals”..  These “kids” when […]

Woman With Severe Chronic Pain Was Denied Medication for Being ‘Childbearing Age’

Woman With Severe Chronic Pain Was Denied Medication for Being ‘Childbearing Age’ https://jezebel.com/woman-with-severe-chronic-pain-was-denied-medication-fo-1849569187 The woman, Tara Rule, told Jezebel she’s being blacklisted by local hospitals for sharing her story. A New York woman says she was denied highly effective medication for a chronic, painful condition that’s caused her to contemplate suicide because her neurologist told […]