Opioid Nudges of Perceptions

Opioid Nudges of Perceptions https://www.daily-remedy.com/opioid-nudges-of-perceptions/ Optimizing Opioid Prescribing and Dosing Through Nudges Background: The opioid epidemic has incurred significant clinical and economic toll on the United States.  The human impact from the epidemic has adversely affected communities and many employers.  The patient-physician encounter is a microcosm of the social ramifications of the epidemic.  Physicians are […]

How many more years are we going to just “tread water” in fighting the war on drugs

Why do “we” allow some groups to determine that a certain category of pts with valid medical issues be viewed as a group who is not worthy of receiving treatment. we opened out independent pharmacy in 1976 and in the early 80’s as the DRG pricing for hospitals came into play we saw a growing […]