This is a “golden oldie” from 7 years ago – now seven times the opioid OD/POISONINGS every year

This graphic is from 2014 and since 2016 CDC opiate dosing guidelines there is now ONLY ABOUT SEVEN TIMES OPIOID   OD/POISONING

Opinion: Medicare Advantage? More like Medicare Disadvantage

Opinion: Medicare Advantage? More like Medicare Disadvantage When the annual enrollment period for Medicare ends on Dec. 7, analysts expect that, for the first time, more seniors will receive their 2023 health-care coverage from Medicare Advantage than the traditional program. That’s not a good thing for either elderly Americans or federal coffers. And while […]

This is getting SERIOUS: State of New Jersey On Trial In India

State of New Jersey On Trial In India As American corporations increasingly seek entry to India’s 1.4. billion-person market, an American state, that of the State of New Jersey, is being subjected to the jurisdiction and authority of an Indian Court, on charges of aiding and abetting policies of racial discrimination against successful Indian American […]