CONGRESS: major retirement overhaul – indirectly telling us that SS is running out of money ?

Is Congress trying to tell everyone that they had better start increasing their retirement contributions? The last of the Baby Boomers will be entitled to full SS benefits in 2031, when they turn 67 y/o. It is estimated that SS will “run out of money” is in 2035..  SS will not necessarily “go broke” SS […]

Op-Ed: Finally, some promising news on opioids for patients in severe pain

The DEA claims that they don’t practice medicine, but… they established what they believe is a standard of care and best practices for practitioners to follow and if anyone exceeds those dosing mgs/limits must be prescribing controlled substances ILLEGALLY.  Of course, the SCOTUS in June 2022, with a 9-0 vote on the Ruan/Kahn hearing that […]