fund raiser for Emmalyn’s Journey

The little lady in the video below is just 14 y/o and has been thru 54 different surgical procedures since she has been born. That is 3-4 surgical procedure EVERY YEAR. She is dealing with a handful of different health issues, each can be substantial pain generators,  Chiari Malformation, EDS, Adhesive Arachnoiditis, Tethered Cord Syndrome, […]

In the rear view mirror: 10 Years Ago Today: My First Publication as a Pain Patient Advocate in the New York Post mirror:10 Years Ago Today: My First Publication as a Pain Patient Advocate in the New York Post

10 Years Ago Today: My First Publication as a Pain Patient Advocate in the New York Post Exactly 10 years ago -December 2, 2013 – my first-ever published opinion piece about the erosion of pain control appeared in The New York Post. It was titled “New painful casualties of the drug war” and was […]