Federal Agencies Launch Portal for Public Reporting of Anticompetitive Practices in Health Care Sector

Federal Agencies Launch Portal for Public Reporting of Anticompetitive Practices in Health Care Sector https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/federal-agencies-launch-portal-public-reporting-anticompetitive-practices-health-care-sector The Justice Department, Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) today launched an easily accessible online portal for the public to report health care practices that may harm competition. The online portal, HealthyCompetition.gov , […]

Type of Pharmacy Malpractice

According to this video. It would appear that Dr Dan Laird, MD, JD may represent chronic pain pts who are being discriminated against and denied their prescribed therapy. Go to abt 5 minutes into the video where he talks about Legal/Civil Liberties Violations by pharmacists refusing to provide chronic pain pts with their legally prescribed […]

Chronic Pain Patients Fight Back Against DEA

Chronic Pain Patients Fight Back Against DEA https://www.gofundme.com/f/chronic-pain-patients-fight-back-against-dea Dr. David Bockoff’s Pain Patients Are Fighting for Justice! FIGHTING FOR JUSTICE FOR DR BOCKOFF AND HIS CHRONIC PAIN PATIENTS __________________________ My name is Kristen Ogden and I advocate for chronic pain patients. My husband, Louis Ogden, is one of the chronic pain patients I’m talking about. […]