Local Pharmacies Save Lives, While PBMs Don’t

We had our independent pharmacy for 20 yrs, we were not in a rural area but a small city/county seat with ~ pop of 30,000.  One very memorial day – at least for me – I had a regular pt & wife come in. He wanted his blood pressure taken.  That was before “free-standing blood […]

ERISA requires Employers to find the lowest cost for HC – not the best outcomes

Who put those requirements in place?  The LOWEST COST FOR HEALTHCARE WILL PROVIDE THE BEST PT OUTCOME? Mark Cuban’s big warning for employers https://www.beckerspayer.com/workforce/mark-cubans-big-warning-for-employers.html Mark Cuban is issuing a big warning to self-insured employers: If your company receives pharmacy rebates through employee benefits, prepare for an eventual lawsuit. “It’s not a question of if, it’s […]