Safety and Risk Assessment of No-Prescription Online Semaglutide Purchases

Safety and Risk Assessment of No-Prescription Online Semaglutide Purchases Introduction The popularity of branded semaglutide is surging, with widespread media coverage, viral social media exposure, and celebrity endorsements.1 Although Wegovy (Novo Nordisk) is approved for long-term weight management, Ozempic (Novo Nordisk) (only approved for type 2 diabetes) is often used off-label for this purpose. […]

I asked Did Nixon’s price freeze influence future U.S. economic policies

I remember that period very well, I had just graduated from Butler U in May 1970. I passed my first pharmacy board test and got licensed in July 1970 in KY. I now had my Pharmacist license and a job with a regional chain which – at the time – was a good income, so […]

Medicare Advantage insurers ranked by prior auth denial overturn rates

Medicare Advantage insurers ranked by prior auth denial overturn rates Centene is the most likely to overturn a prior authorization denial decision when appealed, while Humana is the least likely, according to a KFF analysis. Medicare Advantage insurers denied 7.4% of prior authorization requests in 2022, up from 5.8% in 2021. Among those denials, […]

Another reaction to the SCOTUS overturning the Chevron Doctrine

In 2022 the SCOTUS told the EPA & ATF that they did not have the statutory authority to create new interpretations of the laws they were in charge of enforcing.  The SCOTUS did not tell the DEA that they did not have the authority to create new interpretations of the Control Substance Act in 2022. […]