Would you believe: Federal regulators not properly doing their jobs?

The Anniversary of FDA’s Landmark Approval of Genetically Engineered Human Insulin: A Cautionary Tale https://www.acsh.org/news/2024/10/24/anniversary-fdas-landmark-approval-genetically-engineered-human-insulin-cautionary Regulators are supposed to abide by society’s “bargain” with them: Civil servants are granted lifetime tenure and protected from political pressure and retaliation, and in return, they are supposed to make decisions based solely on the public interest. Often, they […]

Relax: Nothing is under control

I have been writing/sharing on my blog for 13-14 yrs. I have seen many people who would come into the community the with attitude that they can “get ‘er done”.  They stay/hang around for a few months, maybe even a few years, and then they realize that the task is something that they can’t tackle, […]

November is Diabetes Awareness Month