Opioids – how forced tapers do more patient harm than just increased pain

Opioids – how forced tapers do more patient harm than just increased pain https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/opioids-how-forced-tapers-do-more-patient-harm-than-just-neen-monty-ugrwc Taking away my opioid pain relief is not only medically endorsed torture, it is taking away my ability to access treatment for my severe, late-diagnosed, long-standing disease, CIDP. I have been very sick lately.  Why?  Because I missed my fortnightly IVIG […]

There’s Big Money in Withholding Pain Relief

There’s Big Money in Withholding Pain Relief https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2025/02/there_s_big_money_in_withholding_pain_relief.html Pain is the most common reason for seeking medical care.  Although pain is experienced only by individuals, under federal policy, pain is a public health challenge, even a global health priority.  In a way, this isn’t surprising, as modern definitions of health and public health are expansive, even including […]

United we stand, divided we fall

A video diatribe attacking yours truly over something that I SHARED ? Bob Sheerin  · Favorites  · Admin Top contributor   · onesdpSotrg853lgh9iucf7m17futih52i6t0c7m2h250a9h4h0ff877f0f3  · @everyone LOOK AT THIS IDIOT WHILE WERE GOING AFTER ALL THE LEGISLATION BILLS? WTF This is so sad! I fought and won 50 million dollars + plus for pain pump patients […]

As seen on the web

Ozempic, Wegovy Shortage Is Officially Over Compounders given 60- to 90-day notice

Ozempic, Wegovy Shortage Is Officially Over Compounders given 60- to 90-day notice https://www.medpagetoday.com/endocrinology/diabetes/114324 The shortage of semaglutide injections (Ozempic, Wegovy) is over, the FDA announced on Friday. The agency, along with maker Novo Nordisk, confirmed that supply now meets or exceeds both the current and projected U.S. demand. The injectable formulation of the GLP-1 receptor […]

Governor of Maine stated she is not going to follow Presidential EO on trans woman playing in female sports

On February 5, 2025, President Donald Trump signed an executive order titled “Keeping Men Out of Women’s Sports,” which bans transgender women and girls from competing in women’s sports categories at educational institutions[1][2][4]. This order is based on the Trump administration’s interpretation of Title IX, the federal law prohibiting sex discrimination in educational programs receiving […]

PBMs warn of low compliance for Part D claims with certain MPPP BIN/PCNs

Apparently, this is something new that the Feds/CMS has implemented with Medicare Part D and Medicare -C ( Advantage). According to this article, it appears that the various PBM ( Prescription Benefit Managers) have not done much in educating Pharmacists/Pharmacies on how this is supposed to be handled in the billing of the pt’s prescriptions […]

A TEN BILLION DOLLAR a year mostly unnecessary,ineffective and possible harmful medical procedure

This is going to be a fairly long post, I intend to make a post to @DOGE on “X” about what most chronic pain pts would agree is a TEN BILLION DOLLAR waste of money. But all of this information is TOO LONG to fit in a single post on “X”. If you are a […]

be careful on who you sign up with to generate money

@everyone If you have one of these charge cards, be careful! We have had one of these charge cards for ~ 9 years. We live off our charge cards. And they have debited our brokerage acct to pay them in full every month. A few weeks ago, one charge that was supposed to be a […]

I asked perplexity.ai: if it could find a prescriber if I gave it particulars about the patient

@everyone if I described a patient and their health issues and specifics about wanting a practitioner with a DO degree and located in a specific geographic area – could you find possible practice both tradition and/or boutique concierge practices Certainly! I’d be happy to help you find potential medical practices, both traditional and boutique/concierge, based […]