Halt All Lethal Trafficking of (HALT) Fentanyl Act

H.R.467 – HALT Fentanyl Act passed the House 05/25/2023  https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/467 Grassley, Cassidy, Heinrich Propose Permanent Scheduling Fix for Fentanyl-Related Substances https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/press/rep/releases/grassley-cassidy-heinrich-propose-permanent-scheduling-fix-for-fentanyl-related-substances Any bill passed in either House DIES at the end of the congressional session. This bill that Congress is trying to pass is basically revoking the FDA’s approval for a drug’s safe use in […]

HALT Fentanyl Act Halt All Lethal Trafficking of Fentanyl Act or the HALT Fentanyl Act

@everyone This bill has passed the House and there is a similar bill in the Senate but has not been assigned a number yet.  senator young 02172025 The hyperlink above is the letter/email that I sent to Senator Young’s LA who is overseeing this bill. I suggest that you read that letter to help you get […]

Epidural Steroid Shots for Back Pain Have Limited Efficacy, Review Shows

Epidural Steroid Shots for Back Pain Have Limited Efficacy, Review Shows https://www.medpagetoday.com/neurology/painmanagement/114196 Promising benefits in some situations, but mixed results in others Key Takeaways Epidural steroid shots for back pain had mixed results, an AAN review showed. The treatment demonstrated promising short-term benefits for radiculopathy patients. In other situations, benefits were unclear or limited. Epidural […]

Wisconsin man dies after inhaler cost jumps $500, according to family’s lawsuit

According to www.goodrx.com there is a generic for Advair 100/50 and CVS/Target selling price is $47.42 – LESS THAN THE OPTUM COPAY WAS PREVIOUSLY.  www.singlecare.com shows CVS/Target charging $49.92 Wisconsin man dies after inhaler cost jumps $500, according to family’s lawsuit https://abcnews.go.com/US/wisconsin-man-dies-after-inhaler-cost-jumps-500/story A young Wisconsin man died from an asthma attack after the price of […]

Saving a life is important – especially if it is YOURS

An ER nurse says this is the best description of a woman having a heart attack that she has ever heard. Please read, pay attention, and SHARE………. FEMALE HEART ATTACKS I was aware that female heart attacks are different, but this is the best description I’ve ever read. Women rarely have the same dramatic symptoms […]

The CDC’s Big Mistake

Below is a video by the community’s beloved Dr Ibsen. Below that is an article that was published yesterday.  Mark has found himself in a tug of war between caring for long term chronic pain pts and the state of Maine which has apparently unofficially declared the state as an “opioid desert”. Apparently, “they” have […]

‘Incredibly irresponsible’: Hims Super Bowl ad downplays risks of compounded drugs

‘Incredibly irresponsible’: Hims Super Bowl ad downplays risks of compounded drugs ‘Incredibly irresponsible’: Hims Super Bowl ad downplays risks of compounded drugs Telehealth provider’s splashy ad underplays risks of medications not approved by the FDA The latest ad for Wegovy won’t stop anyone in their tracks. “Have you also had trouble with your weight?” a […]

will BODY COUNT GO UP? During 2023-24 seizures of street drugs laced with carfentanil rose by 720%

What specific measures has the Trump administration taken to improve chronic pain management The Trump administration implemented several measures to combat the opioid crisis: 1. Launched the Initiative to Stop Opioid Abuse and Reduce Drug Supply and Demand, a comprehensive effort to address the underlying factors driving the opioid crisis[2][4]. 2. Secured $6 billion in […]

Having a Q&A with www.perplexity.ai on pharmacist refusal/denial of filling Pt’s Rxs and not sharing with the pt the clinical reason

If a Pharmacist declines/refuses to fill a prescription and only tells the pt that he/she “was not comfortable” and the Pharmacist does not contact the prescriber to clarify any concerns that the Pharmacist has. Did not give the pt any other reason(s). If the pt files a complaint with the appropriate state Pharmacy Board, what […]

Asking perplexity.ai involuntary reduction of opioid pain meds causing hypertensive crisis blood pressure level

There seems to be a “crisis” of lack of clinical studies or collection of specific data points to establish a SOLID RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN OPIOIDS BEING REDUCED and various blood pressure complications and/or cardiovascular adverse events.  MAYBE there is a relationship, but no one has intentionally bothered to collect the data Asking perplexity.ai involuntary reduction of […]