America’s aging population faces a growing shortage of geriatric care

America’s aging population faces a growing shortage of geriatric care There’s a growing problem for older Americans: doctors who specialize in geriatric care are dwindling. More than 80 million Americans are expected to be older than 65 by 2050, according to the US Census Bureau. However, geriatricians are in short supply, which could complicate […]

Five Things Patients With Low Back Pain Need From Their Doctors — Insights from the ‘Spine Squad’

Five Things Patients With Low Back Pain Need From Their Doctors Hopelessness. Fear. Isolation. These are the feelings reflected in the stories we heard from people living with low back pain (LBP) who participated in two focus groups held by the Duke Clinical Research Institute These patients, members of our 300-person “Spine Squad,” volunteered […]

Is there an analogy here of judges/attorneys interfering with the practice of medicine?

When the CDC in 2016 created their version of opioid dosing guidelines, no one with any authority or visibility stood up and stated that the CDC did not have any statutory authority to create those guidelines and they had no statutory authority to cause any prescriber to follow those guidelines. Because they were JUST GUIDELINES, […]