I went to Walgreens today to fill my prescription and they refused to fill even though said I could fill today. The lady Pharmacist told me she didnt care what the prescription said it was a couple days to soon. I told her I was a pain patient and am on full disability due to botched bone tumor surgery where both the main nerves in leg were severely damaged. I told her to give me my prescription back and I will go elsewhere and she went into this spill how she don’t understand pharmacy jumpers and that I shouldn’t do that. I explained to her tha I have used Walmart pharmacy for 20 plus years and the only reason I came to Walgreens is because my meds would be 20 dollars cheaper there. She continued to treat me like a criminal and she has know what I go through every day just to get by with my pain issue. I was wondering if you have any advice for me sir that could help me . Thanks in advance
Filed under: General Problems
Steve, I would love to see your responses to the emails that you post. Then, you probably wouldn’t have many repeat questions! I also have wondered how you help most of these people.
His response was the cartoon, power trip. We all know the other answer to this question, start patronizing. Independent pharmacies! Boycott big chain pharmacies. Ice used an independent pharmacy for over 12 yrs and I don’t have these issues.
If they have questions, they call me and they. All my dr. Issues are resolved immediately.
I reply is generally to DUMP THE CHAINS.. there are numerous places to file complaints but none of them care or wish to get involved.. we have a serious – and growing pharmacist surplus – so if the chains were unhappy with pts being denied their med and turned away or “ran off” … they could replace those pharmacists in a heart beat — but they DON’T.

Oh yes I do have a link to the independent pharmacies thanks to you. So much easier than my idea. That’s why we trust you Steve. Thanks again.
We need to start picketing these places in each State. Seriously I can organize if anyone thinks it’ ll work. Any other ideas? These Pharamisict are drunk with power or high.