25,000-Signature Goal Set For Petition Asking President-Elect Trump To Stop DEA’s War On Kratom

25,000-Signature Goal Set For Petition Asking President-Elect Trump To Stop DEA’s War On Kratom


WASHINGTON, Jan. 4, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Less than three weeks remain for supporters of kratom to sign the petition at www.PetitionTrumpForKratom.com urging President-elect Donald Trump to either halt the DEA/FDA push to criminalize kratom or to reverse any 11th hour ban that might be imposed in the waning days of the Obama Administration. A target of 25,000 signatures was announced today by the American Kratom Association (AKA), which launched the online petition on Monday, December 19th.

In the first two weeks since its launch of December 19th, the PetitionTrumpforKratom.org Web site has attracted nearly 8,000 petition signers. In late November, AKA released a report by one of the world’s leading addiction experts who concluded that kratom has as low or even lower potential for abuse and dependence as nutmeg and St. John’s Wort.

AKA is focused intently on getting as many people as possible who have benefited from kratom to share their opposition to any classification by the DEA of the coffee-like herb as a Schedule I drug. The official deadline for signers to add their names to the petition is 11:59 p.m. EST on January 22, 2017.  The list of those signing www.PetitionTrumpForKratom.org will be presented to President-elect Trump in his first full business day in office: Monday, January 23, 2017.

American Kratom Association Director Susan Ash said: “We need a strong message sent from the kratom community to the new White House that the attack on kratom producers and consumers must end.  There is no room in an Administration committed to limited government and allowing responsible adults to live free lives for the DEA’s regulatory overkill response to kratom. We urge everyone who wants to keep kratom legal to go to www.PetitionTrumpForKratom.org and sign their name.”

The petition at www.PetitionTrumpForKratom.org reads in part:

“President-elect Trump:

Your promise to end excessive government regulations and restore the limited role of government in the lives of Americans is the reason that we are appealing to you today.

The three-five million Americans who choose to use the natural herb kratom to maintain their well-being desperately need your help.   We are concerned that the Drug Enforcement Administration may soon choose to curb access to this herb.  If such an ‘eleventh hour’ step is taken during the waning days of the Obama Administration, we ask that you reverse it upon taking office.  If the DEA has not acted by January 21st, we ask that you put an end to regulatory proceedings targeting kratom.

The DEA and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have openly declared war on kratom consumers, and these agencies are blatantly abusing their powers to criminalize both those who produce and sell kratom products, and those who purchase and consume them.  These federal regulators are doing all they can to deny American consumers their freedom to make individual choices on the safe products they want to use to maintain their health and well-being.

Despite credible evidence proving kratom is no more addictive than a cup of coffee, and its use presents no threat to the public health, the DEA and the FDA are continuing their efforts to classify kratom as a dangerous drug – with the same classification as heroin or cocaine.

Who are we?

We are veterans … and lawyers … and factory workers … and school teachers … and health care professionals.  We are mothers and fathers … and grandparents and senior citizens. 

We are the real face of America.  Our choice to consume kratom does not make us “drug abusers” any more than drinking a cup of coffee would …”  

The American Kratom Association is proud to be playing an instrumental role in helping to coordinate the broad-based national opposition to the DEA’s attempt to effectively ban kratom.  In addition to creating www.PetitionTrumpForKratom.org, AKA also:

The America Kratom Association, a consumer-based non-profit organization, is here to set the record straight, giving a voice to those suffering and protecting our rights to possess and consume kratom. AKA represents tens of thousands of Americans, each of whom have a unique story to tell about the virtues of kratom and its positive effects on their lives. www.americankratom.org

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